Tuesday, March 22, 2011

You know you're getting old when...

Going to a school that focuses primarily on anti-aging, I am coming to the realization, I'm not 20 anymore. The products we use, focus on minimizing lines, helping dry/maturing skin find it's moisture and really boosting the metabolic cell process. At first I'm thinking, this is for old people. I don't have lines. I don't have dry skin. The only metabolic process I need to boost is my metabolism of food. Let me just say, I was in for a big surprise. My box-o-wine in college 5 nights a week- backfiring. My double-sessions at the electric beach- call me Magda. And if anyone tells you there's no way at 25 you can have dry skin..send them my way. It really gets me thinking about every aspect of my life. From partying, to now grocery shopping with coupons; I'm old.

A hangover at 20 lasts a day, a hangover at 25 lasts an easy 3...

For the sake of argument, let's play remember when. When I was in high school we drank at the Clark's religiously every Saturday night into early morning hours until Mike yelled downstairs that the Howe's were going to call the cops. Without fail, Sunday morning I woke up and opened Honey Dew at 5:30am. Help from Mom, yes. But was I hungover, no. Then college rolls around. We would dress in ridiculous sheer shirts, and do make-up to match the face on our ID. We would head to the Embassy and drink vodka, cran and sprite until 2am and then continue the party at our dorm. The next day we were all useless and hungover, but were ready to rally with a Box-O on Monday. The other night I decided to go out. We started at a bar to celebrate St. Patty's in the late afternoon with a couple of beers. I was buzzed. We ended with a carbomb. I was home by 8:30 and in bed by 9. I was hungover for three days and looked swollen for two of them. Now I understand why my parents first cocktail is at 7 and they are asleep on their Lazy-Boys by 9.

Crows Feet before 30...yikes!

Now that I'm more vain then ever (thanks to school), I'm constantly looking for any sign of a wrinkle or a blemish. While looking in the mirror recently, I smiled to see if my Crest White Strips have been paying off, but instead, my attention is drawn to my eyes. I see crows feet and eye wrinkles. I thought I was looking forward to those nice lines in my 40s? Of course I keep alternating smiles for straight face looks in the mirror to see if the wrinkles remain. Of course, they do. Naturally I freak out and research online why and where they came from. Is it stress? There actually is no possible way I could be stressed out other than from my puppy Peanut eating any new purchase I've made in the past year. So I rule that out. Then with a little help from google I find my only honest answer. Tropic Tan. They should've made the winkies a requirement.

My love/hate relationship with the MB

When I first moved to Boston (and didn't pay my own rent/utilities/loans/healthcare/you name it) I was shopping with the finest at Whole Foods. I didn't like the food in the caf so instead I would buy a nice gourmet organic meal every day...for every meal. When I think back on that now, I want to cry. Instead of waltzing over to Whole Foods and buying an apple for $3 because it's organic, I'm clipping coupons for Granny Smiths. I always told myself once I left home I would never return to Market Basket (AKA MB). That was a lie. Every other week my boyfriend and I make the dreaded trip to the MB in Chelsea. It's insane. Not only is English the second language there, and the lines for the $4 Rotisserie wrap around two isles, but it is the largest, busiest, most head-ache driven grocery store I have ever been to. The upside... we spend the same amount for two weeks that we would spend in one trip to WF. The trip consists of me pushing the cart and whining "Jon, can we leave yet?" and Jon checking of his list replying sternly "Kris, why don't you go sit in the car." It's horrible. I hate it. If I didn't have it, I'd have no HBO...

So although I've realized I'm a light weight, I have beginning stages of tired eye and I'm going to be shopping at MB for the rest of my life, I still can hold onto my youth in some places. For example, I still get carded for everything...movies, drinks, scratch tickets, etc. I can still get student discounts where Suffolk ID's are accepted and say I lost my ID. I can still put purple highlights in my hair and call it a faze. I can still attend Britney Spears concerts. And lastly, I'm always going to be the baby in the family, so when everyone else is really old, I'll still be the young one. I will keep reminding myself of these things every time I find a new wrinkle. A new stretch mark. My first grey...

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